Game Development Log #4

During week 4 of Void Lives development, I made significant progress on the game's battle system. The system is nearly complete, with added features that introduce limits to Colorless' shield and stamina. These changes are designed to add depth to combat, requiring players to think strategically rather than relying on constant button-mashing. I've also enhanced enemy AI—enemies will now move faster and become more aggressive once they spot Colorless, pushing players to plan their attacks carefully.

In addition to the battle mechanics, I’ve been working on polishing the game’s interface. The UI is nearing completion, with the transition page and loading screen already implemented and looking great. These elements will help make the gameplay experience smoother and more immersive, ensuring players stay engaged during scene changes and loading periods. I’m fine-tuning the overall look and feel of the menus and in-game visuals to ensure they match the dark, atmospheric tone of the game.

Looking forward to next week, my focus will be on finishing up the UI, refining the battle areas, and populating them with enemies. I’ll also be wrapping up the remaining dialogs, which play a crucial role in shaping the game's narrative and the player’s choices. These final touches will bring everything together, making sure that both the gameplay and the story flow seamlessly.

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